When parents receive the diagnosis of autism for their child, immediately arises the urge to have access to therapy that provides tools for an adequate development of the kids.
At this moment, the most important question arises: what type of therapy does my child need?
Backed by hundreds of studies, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), is considered the gold standard for improving lifelong outcomes in children with autism due to years of research and development.
We recommend you read What is ABA for more information.
As a parent, if you’ve ever questioned the effectiveness of ABA therapy, let the evidence speak for itself. In 1987, the grandfather of Assisted Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy Dr. Ivar Lovaas proved that early intervention and intensive behavioral therapy, enabled children with Autism to achieve success.
If you are still doubting about ABA as the ideal option for your Superkiddo, you should answer yourself these 5 questions:
1. Does my child require Early intervention?
Early Intervention is key in reducing symptoms since it has been shown to have a positive effect on minimizing its severity, with effects continuing for six years after treatment is ended, concludes a study published by Europa Press.
Early intervention involves behavioral, cognitive, educational and developmental approaches. Services include therapy to help the child talk, walk, and interact with others (CDC).
Learn about some of its benefits here.

2. Does my child need to strengthen his social and communication skills?
ABA supports learning how to interact appropriately with peers and relatives. Sometimes social skills are too abstract and complex to understand, and for this, an individualized treatment is absolutely necessary.
(To strengthen Kiddos’ communication skills, at SuperKids we implement many Augmentative & Alternative communication systems when needed, such as American sign language, Visual books, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) or speech generating devices, in collaboration with Speech Pathologist).
3. Do I want my child to acquire tools to handle situations that make him uncomfortable?
The goal of the ABA method is to describe, predict and control behavior. Therefore, it’s a methodology that observes and studies behavior as a natural science in the face of different stimuli, investigating the different responses and impulses that are generated.
ABA Therapy proposes an education based on the system of rewards or positive reinforcement as opposed to punishment. This system basically studies the antecedents that generate a negative behavioral response in the child, and through small achievable goals, it seeks to teach children to replace that response with appropriate behavior.
Without a doubt we recommend you read 3 recommendations to teach your child manage their emotions, here you will have useful tools applicable daily.
4. Do I need my child to learn academic skills?
Through ABA, your child will learn skills ranging from time planning to techniques for studying and retaining knowledge.
(At SuperKids we have a School Readiness Program, which focuses on supporting the child’s adaptability to the school environment)
5. Does my child need to learn self-care techniques?
Included are eating habits, toilet training, personal hygiene, dressing, etc., among other self-care routines.
If your answer was YES to most of the questions, ABA is your best option, as it will provide your family with tools so that your child can reach their maximum potential through the reinforcement of ABA Skills.
Why ABA at Super Kids?
We are ABA Therapy providers! In all our interventions services we use only the most effective and evidence-based teaching strategies and methodologies.
Above all, we don’t limit to traditional therapy. Our activities are fun and educational in equal measure, focused on working with each child individually to achieve great results.

Our Super Kids family recognize that each child has unique needs and tailor our care accordingly. We count with highly trained professionals, working closely with parents to develop an individualized treatment plan that ensures each child’s success based on their individual learning style.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you require any information about ABA, Autism or any of our services.
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