Super Kids provides a variety of assessment services conducted by a qualified and trained Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), who guides the development of an individualized treatment plan.
We use standardized assessment tools and procedures based on client’s reason for testing and individual needs.
Each assessment consists of:
– A functional interview with the parents (about 1 -1.5 hr.) and
– An evaluation with the child (about 1 -1.5 hrs.)
Assessments are the first step in the process of:
- Identifying patterns of learning strength & weaknesses.
- Determining behaviors hindering access to learning.
- Screening for learning disorders.
- Intelligence & achievement testing.
- Determining achievement across developmental domains, including language, communication, socialization, adaptation skills and motor skills.
- Clarifying ADD/ADHD diagnosis.
- Identifying Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Additionally, each of our Assessments include: Extensive individualized reports, behavioral diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
Assessment Types

Treatment goals are written based on the age and ability level of the person with ASD. Goals can include many different skill areas, such as: Behavior Management, Academic Readiness, Social and Group Skills, Daily Living Skills, Functional Communication, Toilet Training, Language and Communication.
Here are the different Assessments we conduct in our Super Kids Center. We can also arrange to conduct these assessments in an area that best suits your family’s needs.
Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
This type of assessment aims to clearly identify what problem behaviors a child is engaging in that may be impacting their ability to be fully included with their family, peers, and/or in school.
Through FBA, we can determine the purpose the behavior is serving the kids, or what the kid is trying to ultimately communicate to others by engaging in problematic behaviors.
Curriculum Skills Assessment (VB-MAPP/ABLLS)
Both, the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS) and the Verbal Behavior-Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) look to determine specific language and learning skills a child needs to develop.
They help to identify deficiencies in language, academic, self-help, and motor skills and then implement and evaluate intervention.
Daily Living Skills Assessment (AFLS/EFLS)
The AFLS (Assessment of Functional Living Skills) and the EFL (Essential for living) are two types of assessments, skills tracking system, and curriculum guide used for teaching children, adolescents, and adults with developmental disabilities the essential skills they need in order to achieve the most independent outcomes.
They are designed for verbal and non-verbal children and adults with moderate-to-very severe disabilities, including autism, and limited skill repertoires.
Got questions or want to schedule your Assessment?
We are here to help.
Together, we make it better!✨