The diagnosis of Autism changes our entire family routine…
How? It affects some expectations and translates into many doubts and stress, since daily life with a child with special needs presents many unknown challenges.
This challenges can be overcomed with the professional help AND the help of family.
What is the role of the family in the therapeutic process of children with autism?
The preamble to the Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes that for their “full and harmonious development,” all children “must grow up in a family environment.”
The family is the most important social organization in society, and in children diagnosted with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) the main influence on their development and psychological health comes from their family nucleus, since it’s where the earliest interactions occur.
So, besides having qualified ABA professionals working with children with autism, it’s necessary to incorporate theirenvironment and family into the ABA therapeutic work.
Family has a fundamental role in their inclusion in the social, school and transition to adult life. It is the central axis in the ABA therapeutic process, providing support, education, containment and creating a climate that favors the development of their children, allowing them to recognize their emotions and guiding them to manage them positively.
Now, wondering how you can go an extra mile in this process? Here we share,
5 ways to support your SuperKiddos!
1. Work on maintaining positive family relationships between all members.
Growing up in a loving, happy and positive environment helps children feel safe and loved. This gives them confidence to explore their world, try new things and learn.
Plus, it gives kids the skills they need to build their own healthy relationships in the future.
2. Find out about autism.
Look for scientifically validated tools that help you boost the development of your Superkiddo.
We recommend you checking the Resources we have available for you here on our website, which we are constantly updating.
3. Get involved in ABA Therapy.
Ask your kiddo’s BCBA and/or RBT about behavioral strategies you can implement at home. Also, inquire about any tools you can use as a family to boost the work done at the center.
Remember, it takes a team to build an island. We are here to support you!
4. Talk to your child about autism.
Don’t make their diagnosis a forbidden topic at home; on the contrary, talk about autism as naturally as possibe. This will help them not to feel different because of their diagnosis and also strengthen their self-esteem (link blog 1).
5. Defend their rights and responsibilities.
This includes the school environment and encourage the development of their autonomy and independence throughout of life, providing them with the necessary conditions to achieve and maintain adequate comprehensive health.
In conclusion, the family has the mission of providing support, as well as optimal conditions, to their SuperKiddos so that they have quality of life.
Mother’s job is to teach her children not to need her anymore. The hardest part of that job is accepting success
Rochelle B. Weinstein, Somebody’s Daughter
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