A magical time began full of decorations, treats, gifts, twinkling lights and excitement.
However, it can also be a stressful time for kids diagnosted with autism due to schedule changes, family gatherings, sensory overload, and the lack of a routine.
Therefore, here are 9 tips to keep Superkiddos comfortable this Holiday Season
- Decorate with sensory-friendly lights: nowadays, there are LED Christmas lights that offer multiple ways to enjoy blinking in a different way than the traditional one.
2. Shop online to prevent your Superkiddo from feeling overwhelmed with the large number of people who are doing in-person Christmas shopping.
3. If your Superkiddo must go to an event, practice taking him/her to the holiday venue some days before so that they get familiar with it.
4. Have a plan B in case of sensory overload. Some children can handle crowds and noise, but only for a limited time. If you decide to attend a big holiday event, make sure you have a “plan B” in case it gets overwhelming.
5. Use visual aids, such as pictograms, to explain what is going to happen before the celebrations they are going to attend.
6. Respect special/restricted diets. If your Superkiddo follows a special diet, let everyone know and ask them not to offer him/her food.
7. Take your Superkiddo into account when decorating the house. It can be a special occasion to connect with them.
You can even personalize the decoration with their favorite colors and include their passion or hobby in the decorative elements.

8. Anticipate them with challenging sensory moments, for example loud noises (fireworks, loud music, etc.), and prepare a calm corner at home, a quieter place that they can access if lights, people or noise overloads.
9. Create your own traditions with activities that each member of the family enjoys. It could be things like a board game night, watching a special holiday movie together, following Santa’s flight around the world, or baking or cooking your child’s favorite dish.
By implementing these 9 tips you’ll make this Holiday Season bright and pleasant for your Superkiddo!
Furthermore, by becoming more aware of the diverse ways in which each of us relate to the world, and by making some simple small changes, we can all help to create a more inclusive and enjoyable environment to enjoy together.
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On behalf of the entire SuperKids Team, we wish you and your family a warm and wonderful holiday season!
Together, we make it better!