Children with good self-esteem feel loved and accepted, are proud of what they can do and think positive things about themselves.
Good self-esteem helps them feel encouraged to try new things, or to try again if the first time didn’t go as expected.
What is self-esteem?
It is defined as the positive or negative assessment, perception or judgment that a person makes of themselves based on the evaluation of their thoughts, feelings and experiences.
This self-perception strongly influences interpersonal relationships, behavior and learning; and in the case of children and people with autism, these areas are key in their development.
Furthermroe, children with autism spectrum disorder face great challenges daily: overstimulation, maintaining attention, social norms, communication, inhibition of their behaviors , traditional learning standards, the school, unexpected changes in their environment, etc.
This is why it is important to create confidence in themselves, because otherwise, low self-esteem would make learning and social relationships difficult, and would affect the therapy process and their development in general.
Strengthening the self-esteem of our SuperKiddos is a strategy that will help enhance their skills and make a big difference in their lives.

Your role as a parent is vital!
We know that your main driving force in this wonderful path of autism and motherhood is the deep love for your children.
That, along with the support and accompaniment of trained professionals helps children strengthen their confidence and maximize their SUPERPOWERS, those that make them unique and special.
Apply these strategies to strengthen your Superkiddo’s self-esteem!
1. Use positive language
Don’t highlight what they can’t do, praise what they are able to achieve. Specific, honest praise is key to building self-esteem.
Praise the final result of the things they do (for example: “how nice your drawing turned out”), but also the process to achieve it (for example: “I see that you are making an effort to do it, I am proud that you are trying).
2. Help them feel capable
Overprotection can be counterproductive in the long term.
Although, we know you are worried about their reaction or attitude to new challenges, you should motivate them to try new things.
It is essential to promote the autonomy of Kiddos so that they become adults with good self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities.
3. Taking an interest in their interests will allow you to share quality time with your child
Sharing their particular interests with someone they love, will let them know that they are special.
4. Let them make decisions
Give them the opportunity to decide on things in daily life. A simple example is choosing the clothes they will wear. If they has trouble making decisions, ask them to choose between two options.
This activity, although it seems simple, will promote their self-esteem and autonomy.
5. Celebrate their achievements
Both small and big challenges deserve to be celebrated.

In conclusion, children with ASD may see their self-esteem diminished due to their different way of being, thinking and acting.
Sometimes, their special characteristics make them feel inferior or different from others and this can further condition their relationships, learning and behavior.
However, there are tools that all Super Parents can apply in parenting, which will allow Kiddos to be more secure and confident.
At the beginning of this very special month, we want to remind you of something very important: You are doing a gerat job!
You have in your hands (and in your heart) the power to boost your Kiddo’s abilities through your great LOVE.
Don’t hesitate to CONTACT US! if you’d like to get support from trained professionals.
Together, we make it better!