Feeling overwhlemed with all the things out there to learn about Autism?
If so, today we simplify that for you.
We know there is lots of bibliographic material and infinite information on the internet in relation to the autism spectrum and that navegating all that can be more stresful than benefitial.
However, it is critial to have a good comprehension of the topic and to be up-to-date with it.
Within years, we’ve seen how getting to know the stories of other parents of children with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who have gone through a similar process, can become a light on how to cope with the situation.
At Super Kids, we always encourages increasing our knowledge about ASD so we are all better prepared/ equuiped to supports our SuperKiddos development by taking actions that favor their growth.
Today we want to recommend you 5 must read about autism:
- The Reason I Jump. This book perfectly describes the uncertainties of a person with autism.
It’s written in the form of questions and answers where the author dives into his own psyche. You can see Autism detailed through his own personal lens. He also answers common questions on the subject.

2. Start Here: a guide for parents of autistic kids by Autistic Self Advocacy Network. The purpose of this book is to teach parents the facts about autism.
It is a guide that covers the definition of autism and helps us understand the educational rights of our children, how to support their development and much more.

3. Forever boy: A mother’s memoir of Autism and finding joy. It is the story of a mother who never expected to be have severely disabled child.
In this story we not only see the testimony of a tenacious mother, but we also find a loving reconciliation and overcoming of a child who was finally able to build a good relationship with her parents and siblings.

4. The Spark: A Mother’s Story of Nurturing, Genius, and Autism. The author talks about how his son’s brilliant mind was almost lost to autism.
A book about the extraordinary journey of a Superkiddo who has an astonishingly high IQ, an amazing photographic memory, and an original theory about astrophysics.

5. 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger’s. Do you need an idea to work with your child with ASD?
This book not only gives you 1001 ideas, it’s actually 1800 for supporting communication and language, teaching daily living skills, and much more.

Mothers are a key part of famililes and society. The more educated we are, the better understand we might have of our child’s unique needs, strengths, and challenges. Also, the more empathetic and responsive to their needs we get to be.
We hope you enjoy these books as much as we have by being able to connect with other families who have been through similar experiences, and to find resources and support networks that can help you to navigate the journey of raising an autistic child.
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