Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is an assessment used to determine the function (purpose) of problem behavior in order to select protocols for reduction (access to tangibles, attention, escape/avoidance, sensory, etc.).
The FBA is the preferred method of examining problem behavior because it provides information regarding the events that take place immediately before and after a behavior.
All behaviors have a function or a reason for occurring. FBAs shed light on the environment and how it contributes to your child behavior.
In the process, all the collected information is recorded, graphed and interpreted with specific treatment recommendations in order to develop a formal Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).
Common Problem Behaviors
Examples of typical problem behavior include, but are not limited to:
Difficulty waiting or accepting “NO”
Biting siblings or peers
Repetitive Behaviors
Difficulty with transitioning
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) includes:
- Comprehensive review of previous reports and records from school, medical doctors and specialists.
- Interview and review of the history of the problem behaviors and the current concerns of the family and child.
- Administration of questionnaires about the problem behaviors, and the client’s preferences.
- Interview and probing with the client to understand why they engage in problem behaviors.
- Observation of the client in different environments where they may or may not engage in the problem behaviors (at home, in the community, at school, etc.).
- Consultation with those already providing services to the client (i.e., speech therapist, school teacher, psychologist, psychiatrist, medical doctor).
- Identification of the triggers and maintaining consequences of problem behaviors as well as replacement behaviors.
- Full written report including background information, observations of the client, results of standardized tests, diagnostic impressions, and recommendations.
- Development of a Behavior Support Plan/Behavior Intervention Plan.
- Feedback session with family to review the findings within the written report and answer questions
Plus: records review, interviews with parents and caregivers, and direct observation (ABC) of the behavior in the naturally occurring environment.
They may also include a formal Functional Analysis of the challenging behavior.
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